Kansas area code list

Our directory contains all Kansas area codes, which may be helpful if you are looking for who is calling you from an unknown number. There are many ways for scammers to obtain databases of phone numbers, but we can stop them by blocking their numbers and spreading the information about scammers.

Area codes: 316, 620, 785, 913
Usage Statistics
Carrier Statistics

Check Kansas city list and find where the calls are coming from. If it is a scammer calling, you will certainly find them in our reverse phone lookup directory. You can also contribute by leaving comments with the information about a caller. There’s no doubt that it will help other users to block these numbers right away and to prevent possible unwanted calls.

City Prefix Usage Carrier
Yates Center
  • (620) 625-
  • Landline
  • Southwestern Bell
  • (620) 243-
  • Landline
  • Zenda Telephone Co.